Friday, February 24, 2017

12 Silhouette Studio 4 Wish List Items That Already Exist!

12 Silhouette Studio 4 Wish List Items That Already Exist!

The long awaited Silhouette Studio 4 hasn't hit Beta testing yet...but it's coming soon. I can tell you that! Awhile back I asked Silhouette School Facebook followers what it is they'd most like to see in the upcoming version of Silhouette Studio guys have some awesome suggestions - and I did pass them on to Silhouette America!

Silhouette studio 4, silhouette studio 4.0, silhouette studio version 4, silhouette studio 4 tutorial

But I have to say there's even better news!!! Many of the features and tools you guys are hoping to be added to Silhouette Studio 4 already exist in Studio 2 and 3 so I thought I'd take a second and link you to those tutorials or further explain!

Available link for download