Monday, February 13, 2017

How To Resolve Common ERP Business Process Problems

How To Resolve Common ERP Business Process Problems

Tips and Tricks for Resolving ERP Business Process Problems

By: SoonKyoo Kwon
Tekoa ERP

Numerous enterprises today suffer from many different business process problems. These problems can be very damaging since they may result in inefficiency, and possibly in loss of some data.

Business Process Problems - "The Frustrating Five"

David Roe, Covers Document Management, Enterprise CMS, GRC, listed 5 main business process problems (issues) and named them "The Frustrating Five." In this blog, I am going to discuss 4 of the 5 major problems that Roe mentions.


"Information bottlenecks are still common and result from a lack of consideration of the value of particular information, or content, and its relevancy in the business process." (Roe, 20 II) When enterprises have too many variables in a process, the process tends to have poor quality.  As a result, error rates will increase, and customers will experience confusion.

The Paper Trail

"Many enterprises still insist on using paper documents as part of business processes and printing that information out, which leaves in vulnerable to loss, errors or data theft." (Roe, 20 II) With todays advanced technology, enterprises (no matter small or large) are definitely able to store and share data online.  Nevertheless, they often choose to keep using paperwork since they have always used paperwork instead of technology.  However, by using technology, enterprises can be much more efficient and safe.


"Many enterprises are still keeping several copies of particular documents, whether those copies are digital, or paper-based, which reduces response times and business process agility."  Enterprises think that they need to make several copies of particular documents because they are important.  However, we are living in the World of Technology where servers (so that enterprises can just have one copy of each document and share it within the companies) and of course the ERP cloud (so that enterprises can upload one copy of each document and anyone within the companies can share the data) are broadly available.


"Many companies are not prepared for the unexpected, which means that when the unexpected happens, companies are not ready to respond and recover without considerable business disruption." (Roe, 2011)  This is probably both the easiest and the hardest of the 5 problems to deal with.  Preparation can be really hard since no one can know for sure what will happen in the future.  However, preparation can also be really easy since all that enterprises have to do in order to be ready for some unexpected events is to make backup files, so that they can respond to the unexpected events and recover without considerable business disruption.

Ways to Resolve Business Process Problems

How To Resolve Bottleneck Problems

To resolve the Bottleneck problems, enterprises should index all information and sort all the data nicely so that they are not putting too much pressure on themselves when they try to get the data they need.

How To Resolve Paper Trail Problems

Honestly, I cannot think of one reason why enterprises should use paperwork instead of technology.  With technology available to todays enterprise, enterprises are well over being able to use the accounting software that they need to use in order to save time and decrease their error rates.

How To Resolve Copies Problems

As I mentioned earlier, we have servers and Cloud today.  ERP Cloud, especially, is very useful because enterprises can store their data Gust one copy of each document instead of several copies for each document), share their data, and do not have to worry about losing their data.

How To Resolve Preparation Problems

In order to be ready for some unexpected disasters, enterprises can make backup files of information so that their data and records can be restored quickly and without disruption.  If some enterprises use the internet to store and share their data, they can make backup files so that they can just replace their lost information with the backup files.  If some enterprises use paperwork instead of the internet to store and share their data, they can make some extra copies of their documents and data so that when something unexpected happens they will not lose everything they have.

For more information about Tekoa Software and ways to improve business processes at your company through technology automation, visit .

SoonKyoo Kwon is a business and accounting specialist at Whitworth University.

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