Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Solve Common Business Problems with Technology

How To Solve Common Business Problems with Technology

How To Solve Common Business Problems with Technology

by: Kramer Kembel

Businesses face many business process problems in today’s enterprises. Technology is a vital piece for every company and can differentiate their business from their competitors. Many companies are making the connection between strong IT investment and improved business performance. According to the 2012 SMB Routes, 85% of small businesses planning to increase their technology investments are more likely to anticipate higher revenue. This can all be related through their specific business process and making the company efficient. Mobile applications, ERP data analytics, cloud storage, mobile security, and web teleconferencing are five technologies that are helping to solve common small-business problems.

Problem 1 – Mobile Applications

Many small businesses face the problem of being away from the office. This makes it very difficult for employees to share data and to be available to customers.

Solution: According to the Mobility Edge Report, about 94% of small business users believe that mobile devices enable them to be more efficient. Smartphone’s and tablets are continuing to grow, which can be used by the employees of the business. There are many applications that can be used, like  Tekoa ERP.  This app is a mobile sales device that works on any smartphone, which accepts credit cards anywhere with an Internet connection.

Problem 2 – Analytics

Businesses are noticing that social media is where their customers are located. The problem they face is how they know if their marketing is effective.

Solution: A SMB study states that companies who can figure out how to turn data into insights most effectively will achieve a major competitive advantage. Different applications such as Tekoa Data Cache Manager is a specific dashboard that use different services, which enables users to see web traffic next to their own sales figures.

Problem 3 – Cloud Storage

Businesses can have a major lack of resources and time for IT and can cause many problems for small businesses.

Solution: The SMB study said that about 52% of small and medium-sized businesses are using cloud services to outsource their IT tasks. Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive are applications for sharing documents, photos, and to replicate files on multiple devices and systems.

Problem 4 – Mobile Security

Since many businesses are relying heavily on smartphones, lost and stolen devices are a major security concern.

Solution: The mobile devices need to be secured by using encryption or data wiping methods to prevent thieves from accessing business information. Lookout Mobile Security Premium is the Editor’s Choice for Android security, which enable users to remotely lock, wipe, and locate devices. Apple is also equipped with Find My iPhone, which enables the user to lock, wipe, and locate the device similar to the Android app.

For more information about mobile ready ERP software for todays enterprise, check out . 

Available link for download