Saturday, March 11, 2017
How to update Multi Diag J2534 interface to v2013 v2011
How to update Multi Diag J2534 interface to v2013 v2011
Usually, users are not advised to update Multi-Diag J2534. But here, technicians offers 100% working solutions of update Multi-Diag J2534 interface to v2013 v2011. will provide you the location of the chip and V2013.1 or V2011 software, this solution allow you to update as many interface as you need.
First, you need to buy the corresponding chip to desolder on the board, before software update.
V2011 update chip for Multi-Di@g J2534 Interface
This is the PIC12F629 chip for Multi-diag j2534 to update your tool from 2010 to 2011.
Workable for old version 2010 Multi-diag j2534, with item number SP04 and SP04-B at
If you have bought this two items above and want to update it to 2011 version, you can buy this chip.
Note: Hardware and software for 2010 and 2011 version are different.
Then you can change the chip by yourself.
V2013.1 update chip for Multi-Di@g J2534 Interface

With this PIC12F629 update chip, you can update your Multi-Diag interface from V2010 V2011 to V2013.1.
Here is the place of the chip:

After you update your tool and get it ready, please use the Multi-diag software of the CD from For free download link of Multi-diag j2534, it might not work! And you must try on your risk.
Then install Multi-diag j2534 on your windows. (Windows XP or Win7 32bitbetter)
Video guide: How to install I-2013 Multi-diag j2534
Tech support from
Cest à partir de OBD2 service technique support technique:How to update Multi-Diag J2534 interface to v2013 v2011
Available link for download