Tuesday, March 7, 2017
How To Connect Sage 100 ERP to Excel
How To Connect Sage 100 ERP to Excel
Pull data directly from Sage 100 ERP into Microsoft Excel for business intelligence analysis without any 3rd Party Add-Ins.
By: Tekoa Software
Sage 100 ERP MAS90 MAS200 data can easily be pulled directly into Excel. Excel can perform this functionality without any third-party add-ins or tools. Use the Excel built-in data tools to pull live Sage 100 ERP data into a spreadsheet, then analyzed the data and write reports using Excel.
This allows you to use Excel to:
- Create Pivot Tables of Sage MAS data
- Quickly Filter and Sort Sage 100 data
- Easily Analyze data
- Build Excel Worksheets that reference live Sage 100 ERP data
2. Select ODBC DSN.
3. Select SOTAMAS90, which is the Sage 100 ERP ODBC driver name.
4. Login to Sage 100 using credentials that have access to the ODBC files you want.
5. Select any Sage 100 datafile name as the database you want.
6. Uncheck "Connect to a specific table:" and click Next.
7. Click Finish
8. The Select Table window should open. Select the Sage 100 table you want to pull into Excel.
9. At Import Data window, accept the defaults and click OK.
10. Your Sage 100 ERP data for the table you selected will appear inside Excel.
Use the data in the spreadsheet as a source for analysis and reports written on other Excel sheets.
To refresh the spreadsheet data, click the Refresh button on the Excel Data tab.
Couple tips... First, in older versions of Sage 100 MAS90 MAS200, the ODBC driver is 32-bit only. Which means this will only work if you are using a 32-bit version of Excel. In newer versions of Sage 100, there is a 64-bit ODBC driver that will work with a 64-bit Excel. Just keep in mind that if you have an older version of MAS, you will need a 32-bit version of Excel.
Second, using Microsoft Query, you can customize the query that Excel pulls in if you want to link Sage 100 tables together and get more interesting datasets.
Last, this method is great for bringing transaction history into Excel and then doing pivot tables and other detailed analysis on the data.
For more information about connecting Sage 100 to Excel, Web, SharePoint and SQL, contact Tekoa Software - ERP software for todays enterprise.
Available link for download