Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Real time protection in Windows defender How to turn on or turn off real time protection in Windows 10 Guide

Real time protection in Windows defender How to turn on or turn off real time protection in Windows 10 Guide

Real time protection in Windows defender : How to turn on or turn off real time protection in

Windows 10 - Thats what we gonna see in this post..

If you are looking for the antivirus or malware protector that comes with windows 10 then, likely it

is called Windows defender. When you install an application you will be prompted to enable real

time protection if windows defender real time protection is turned off, the agent that turned off may

be you are some malware.. Whoever it may be here is an guide to show how to turn on real time

protection back again or disable real time protection in Windows 10.

Do you need to turn off or turn on real time protection on windows 10 ?

No,  you dont need to download an software to turn off or turn on  Windows defender real time

protection on Windows 10.

then, where to find it?

just follow the steps below..

How to turn off real time protection of Windows defender in Windows 10 :

Note : Turning off real protection is not recommended as some harmful applications in the name of

Crack for software will affect your PC health, So think before you do..

If you are searching for a way to disable real time protection, then


1) Open settings

[Helpful link : How to open settings using different methods in Windows 10]

2) Click on Update & security

3) It will open a a new window,Select Windows defender on the left pane

4) Now, you will see the Windows defender settings on the right pane, Find Real time protection

and click on the left side of the option.

So that it looks OFF.

Thats it, you had turned off real time protection of Windows 10..

If your Windows defender keeps turning on Automatically, then it is not your fault, it is

programmed to turn on automatically??.

How to turn on real time protection in Windows 10 ..

Just follow the above steps 1 to 4

While on step 4, simply tap/click on the right side of the option,so that it looks on.

Note : If  real time protection is grayed out, then there it is more likely some other antivirus

programs running on your Windows 10, uninstall it and follow the same steps

Thats it..

Windows defender will run even though some other antivirus is running on your PC, click to see about it [Link]

Hope it is helpful


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